Thursday, January 15, 2009

yes, i'm your friend. no, i don't like you

I'm really glad you have a cause you feel you want to fight for. I'm really glad that it is a cause that is good for your family. I'm really glad that your cause has caused so much attention.

But PLEASE, if you insist on representing a group of people who feel the same way, for the love of all that is holy, look like a responsible representative. Brush your hair, put on a clean shirt, tidy up your living room for the reporter.

There's a good chance you know the kinds of questions they will ask you, please have something intelligent prepared to say back to them. Try and think your answer through first so that everyone you represent doesn't look like a mindless idiot.

thanks for really putting yourself out there, but just remember, you are putting yourself out there. People are watching. Don't make us all look like idiots.

the worst interview was on KSL.

the others were okay.


  1. I have no idea who you are referring to! :)

  2. Wow guys, as you can see I'm having troubles managing the blog accounts :)

    Fanny I am so curious now - can you post the interview? LOL. I can just imagine some milk making mom on an interview with her ratted hair and kids climbing all over her talking about some cause... The picture I have in my head is Cameron Diaz in Being John Malcovich. :)

  3. Janie I love your profile in the side bar. You kill me!
